mari membuat burger

200g daging hancur
1 biji bawang besar potong dadu
1 biji telur
lada hitam secukup rasa
garam secukup rasa
sedikit minyak

Gaul semua bahan. Then tepek-tepekkan mcm buat bergedil. Make sure jgn tebal sgt nnti isi dalam tak masak.


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my very first PYREX

haha...introducing one of my bestie in the kitchen, Miss 9-1/2" Pie Plate pyrex. Dah macam mak mak kan? nak kumpul pyrex la, corelle la, corningware la, tupperware la...hikhik.

pelan-pelan kayuh. duit pun bukan byk sgt asyik nak membeli je. nak beli pun sebab geram tgk kt sini murah.padahal bukan takde pinggan mangkuk. yg ade tu pun tak habis pakai. pinggan mangkuk hadiah kawin pun ade lg yg tak bukak. tp takpe...kite buat koleksi peribadi :p

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Praying hard for MAK

I am praying hard for my mak. Last night she told me that she will be going for a minor surgery on her thyroid. Last few months she discover a swelling on her throat. Decided to see the doctor immediately. Normal check up shows no abnormalities. But, doctor suggested for further check up. Sample tissues from her thyroid has been sent for test twice. Both result shows an unclear diagnos. It is not a thyroid diseases like my late grandma was suffering for. Those results make doctor, mak and abah pening. They affraid the thing so called thyroid c_ _ _ _ r.

If the swelling is true for the thyroid diseases, it make senses because of the genetic factor. My grandma (suffering from goitre-enlargement of the thyroid gland), my aunt (having an inactive thyroid diseases) and my cousin (has been successfully gone thru the surgery for the thyroid diseases). But my mom have no other symptoms of the thyroid diseases except the swelling throat.

Surgery is the best solution to know what the thing is. Removing half of the thyroid will prevent from the harmfull, unwanted 'thing'. I really hope good things will be with mak everytime, everywhere. I wish I could be with you on that day like the day you was with me on the labour room during my 1st baby delivery. My bad. I am soo sorry prayer will always be with you...

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I would like to say this as a "Reminder"

".....apabila Ia menghendaki adanya sesuatu, hanyalah Ia berfirman kepada (hakikat) benda itu: Jadilah engkau. Maka ia terus menjadi." Surah Yaasin: Ayat 82

Things come with a reason. Allah Maha Mengetahui. Baik buruknya sesuatu perkara...Dia lebih tahu. Siapa kita untuk menidakkan ketentuannya..

18 Feb 2011 kitorang telah diberi "peringatan" oleh yg Maha Esa sesungguhnya life is fragile. Berlaku insiden yg hampir-hampir meragut nyawa kami sekeluarga. Kereta kami Mazda 626 (YoM 1993) terbakar.

Petang tu....ada appointment di klinik UC. Dah nak smpai car park, tiba2 hubby jerit, "eh mana clutch??"
Huh, clutch boleh hilang ke? rupe-rupenye clutch termasuk ke dlm. hakhak mcm kelakar kan bunyiknye. kene tarik pakai tgn baru keluar. sampai kt simpang ade kereta lain plak lalu, terus lah mati engine. Hubby tolak kereta, aku control stering. aku try tekan clutch, ok lah plak. drive slow2 gi parking.

Selesai urusan di klinik, decided nk gi workshop repair clutch. Drive slow2 sebab risau clutch buat hal lg. tak sampai 5 min jln, aku tercium bau mcm getah terbakar. cepat2 suruh hubby stop tepi jln. Bila hubby turn off the engine, nampak smoke cames out from the engine, betul2 depan mata aku nih. Hubby jerit suh bwk yasmeen keluar. Aku dgn gelabah lari gi seat belakang tarik-tarik yasmeen. dier duk dlm car seat, dgn seat belt lg punye lah payah nk tarik. sian dier nangis, mungkin sakit sebab aku duk tarik2 dier. hubby capai beg laptop n bwk kitorang jauh dr kereta.

Kebetulan ade 1 kereta aunty kt depan tuh tgh ambik anak dier balik sekolah. tanya dier kot2 dier ade no contact mechanic yg berdekatan. Tgh aunty nih duk belek2 buku yellow pages dier, aku nampak asap makin byk keluar. hubby terus je call bomba. Api dah mula keluar, makin lama makin byk. 5 min aku rase mcm 5 jam tunggu bomba tak sampai2. Org ramai berkerumun, semua pakat jerit suh pegi jauh dr kereta, takut meletup. Ade yg bwk fire extinguisher, ade jgk yg duk sibuk2 amik gmbr. Bomba dtg padam api. Almost 80% burnt and the result of their investigation said, it started from the fius box. "Short circuit" nothing to do with the clutch. Pelik!!

Lemah longlai lutut masa tuh. tgk kereta terbakar depan mata. Polis dtg ambik report and the most UNLUCKY thing is the car is NOT insured. Ade sedikit miscommunication di situ. This is not the right time to point to others. Things had happen. Sila ambil pengajaran, 'jgn terlalu percayakan org lain!!!'

Polis hantar balik rumah. Menangis air mata darah sekali pun tak mungkin akan dpt kereta tu balik. Berserah diri pada Yang Maha Esa, sujud syukur kerana masih diberi kesempatan melihat dunia...itulah yg terbaik.

Tentang kereta ITU:
1. Baru pakai 3 bulan
2. Dibeli dgn harga AUD 4500
3. Performance sgt baik. Luaran dan dalaman masih cantik walaupun YoM 1993.
4. Ke Batesman Bay paling jauh penah pegi.
5. Berkhidmat baik bwk hubby pegi balik kerja.

Thanks for those who had lent me your shoulder. Tak kenal sape2 ntah time tuh dtg saying condolence.
Kepada kawan-kawan di Canberra dan family di M'sia terima kasih atas sokongan moral dan pertolongan ehsan anda semua.

Dugaan yg kami terima tak lah sehebat mangsa cyclone di Queensland, tak lah seteruk mangsa banjir di Brazil dan tak lah sesengsara mangsa gempa di Chirstchurch. Kami panjatkan syukur yg tak terhingga. Sesungguhnya....Allah tak akan menguji kita lebih daripada apa yang kita mampu tanggung...

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Food Additives

Be particular of each food ingredients is a must when you are in a foreign country. Especially for the Muslims la kan...wajiblah carik yg halal. Sejak dtg sini, kalau nk beli barang makanan, mau 5-10 min belek ingredients dier. Yelah, kadang2 tak faham term2 yg diorang gune. Kene study la sket bahan2 yg commonly used, selamat dan halal tuk dibaham. Carik punye carik jumpe la satu web yg list out the food additives yg selalu ade dlm mknn. Ade yg selamat dan ade yg tak selamat tuk dimakan.

Boleh jgk nak dikatakan, diorang kt sini very concern pasal health food. Byk jual organik food, no MSG added food dan yg bestnye food 'suitable for vegetarians' pun mmg byk jual. Kalau dah vege kite tak perlu la risau pasal ingredients yg gune daging 'bak' tu.

Check it out!!!

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Yasmeen Home School

From these...

(Magazines, brochures, flyers yg selalu memenuhkan recycle bin kami)

I made this....

Yasmeen ni lebih attractive dgn bende2 sekitar dier yg selain drpd toys. Kadang2 bukan main sgt pun toys2 dier tuh. Lebih suke nk selongkar kitchen kabinet mummy, closet, TV kabinet dan yg terbaru, fridge. So, poster ABC ni, mummy lekat gambar2 yg Yasmeen suke main dan senang nak ingat. Mudah-mudahan cepat belajar ABC ye sayang...

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